Privacy Policy

The following information is provided to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.

This privacy statement describes why and how we collect and use personal data and provides information about individuals’ rights. It applies to personal data provided to us, both by individuals themselves or by others. We may use personal data provided to us for any of the purposes described in this privacy statement or as otherwise stated at the point of collection.

Identity and contact details of the controller and where applicable, the controller’s representative and the data protection officer.

Where an insolvency practitioner of Debt Solvo Limited is not appointed as office holder, the data controller is the company / individual on whose instructions Debt Solvo Limited is acting. For contact details, please contact Debt Solvo Limited, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE, 0161 537 5764, [email protected].

Where an insolvency practitioner of Debt Solvo Limited is appointed as office holder and the data processing is carried out as part of their statutory duties, the office holder(s) is(are) the data controllers. However, where they are processing data on behalf the company / individual over which they have been appointed, then the data controller is that company / individual. In either case, the data controller(s) can be contacted at: Debt Solvo Limited, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE, 0161 5375764, [email protected].

Who Provides Personal Data

The personal data we have used to contact you was provided by the company / individual (or persons acting on their behalf) on whose instructions we are acting or in relation to which our insolvency practitioner has been appointed.

Information may be collected from:

  • The data subject, where they have provided their permission to be provided to us
  • Telephone enquiries by the data subject
  • Reviews added by the data subject
  • The data subject interacting with us on social media such as Facebook, twitter, etc.
  • When we may need to obtain up to date information about a data subject to meet our legal or regulatory obligations

We also access information from

  • the Registrar of Companies,
  • the court (if applicable),
  • Credit Reference Agencies (with an individual’s specific consent)
  • Other similar public-access data providers.

How long we retain your personal information

We retain personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose listed above and for any other permissible related purpose. For example, we retain most records until the time limit for claims arising from the activities has expired or otherwise to comply with statutory or regulatory requirements regarding the retention of such records. 

As an example, if an Individual enters into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement [‘IVA’] that might last up to 5 years, then we are required to maintain our Office Holder records for a further 6 years beyond the closure of the IVA.

Enquires that do not lead to formal insolvency appointments with us are kept for 2 years.

Lawful basis for the processing

We will use personal information on the following bases:

  • To provide a service for which a contract has been entered into
  • Where an individual has provided their consent to process personal data
  • To comply with our legal obligations under statute and other regulatory obligations related to the insolvency process. We also believe you have a legitimate interest in the information being supplied.

What personal information we hold

We will only collect information that we actually need, or where we are required to collect the information to enable us to perform our legal, regulatory or contractual obligations necessary to provide a service, or where we have specific permission.

Categories of Data Collected

The categories are:

  • Personal details (e.g. title, name, surname )
  • Contact details & location (e.g. address, telephone number, email address, etc.)
  • Personal information (e.g. date of birth, gender, marital status)
  • Financial information (e.g. income, expenditure, assets, liabilities).  Please note that we may, with an individual’s consent, approach a credit reference agency in order to confirm balances owed.
  • Information on how you use our websites, products & services
Special Personal Data

Additionally we may enquire about Special Personal Data:

  • Information about an individual’s family circumstances & dependents
  • Information about an individual’s employment status
  • Information about any health concerns that have impacted upon their situation (physical or mental health matters)
  • Information about sexual orientation, religious beliefs, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, trade union membership or biometric data

Information about other people

  • If the provider of the information is an employer, information about their employees and all associated personal data
  • If an enquiry is made for Individual Insolvency advice by an individual, and they have a spouse partner or other person has direct impact upon their financial affairs, they must have that other person’s permission to disclose such data.

Your Rights

The UK GDPR provides the following rights for individuals:

Right to inform

This privacy notice meets our requirement to inform you of our processing of your data.

Access to personal data

You have a right of access to personal data held by us as a data controller. This right may be exercised by contacting us at Debt Solvo Limited, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE, 0161 537 5764, [email protected]. We will aim to respond to any requests for information promptly, and in any event within one month.

Amendment of personal data

To update personal data submitted to us, you may email us at [email protected]

 or, where appropriate, contact us via the relevant website registration page or by amending the personal details held on relevant applications with which you registered.

Rights that do not apply in these particular circumstances

Not all of the rights under the UK GDPR are available as one of the reasons we are holding your data is on the basis of it being a legal obligation and therefore the right to erasure, data portability and to object do not apply.

Right to withdraw consent

Prior to the appointment of an Office Holder, in a formal capacity, an individual has the right to withdraw their consent by notifying Debt Solvo Limited, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE, 0161 537 5764, [email protected]

However, if a formal appointment of Office Holder has occurred, then the basis of holding data becomes a legal one and therefore the right to withdraw consent does not apply.

Who we share our data with

Personal data held by us may be transferred to:

Third party organisations that provide applications/functionality, data processing or IT services to us

We use third parties to support us in providing our services and to help provide, run and manage our internal IT systems. For example, providers of information technology, cloud based software as a service providers, identity management, website hosting and management, data analysis, data back-up, security and storage services.  The servers powering and facilitating that cloud infrastructure are located in secure data centres around the world, and personal data may be stored in any one of them

Third party organisations that otherwise assist us in providing goods, services or information; Auditors and other professional advisers; Law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies or to other third parties as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation

Occasionally, we may receive requests from third parties with authority to obtain disclosure of personal data, such as to check that we are complying with applicable law and regulation, to investigate an alleged crime, to establish, exercise or defend legal rights.  We will only fulfil requests for personal data where we are permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

Our Regulatory Professional Body [‘RPB’] is the Insolvency Practitioners Association [‘IPA’].  They may require access to case work in order to carry out their regulatory functions.  Additionally, the Information Commissioner’s Office is entitled under law to receive data.

Voluntary Arrangements

Following an individual’s initial enquiry for debt assistance, their personal data will be stored on our system.  It may also be shared with third parties with the individual’s specific consent.  We strongly suggest that the individual reviews any third party’s privacy policies which will detail how they use their information.  We may be paid an introductory fee if the individual opts for a solution that is provided by our third party associates.

In a voluntary arrangement, the data will be shared with the creditors and their representatives.  This will allow the Office Holder to comply with their legal obligations when helping an individual, company or partnership propose a Voluntary Arrangement.  Additionally, Voluntary Arrangements information will be shared with the Insolvency Service and possibly the Court (depending upon the circumstances of the individual case). 

The Insolvency Service (England & Wales) and the Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland) operate their own respective registers.  Individual Voluntary Arrangements, Bankruptcies and Debt Relief Orders appear on this Register.  The content of the registers is shared with credit reference agencies by them and is open for public inspection.

Referrals to third party providers for the provision of debt counselling and debt adjustment (debt management) services

If we do not hold the relevant authorities to provide appropriate advice, we may refer to a third-party provider in order to provide the individual with the most appropriate debt advice and solution for their specific circumstances.

Our Trusted Partners are as follows:

Insolvency Practitioners:

  • J3 Ltd
  • Moneyplus Group Ltd

Debt Management Plan Providers:

  • Moneyplus Group Ltd
  • GW Financial Solutions Ltd

How we use the personal data

The purpose for which personal information is processed may include any or all of the following:

  • deliver services and meet legal responsibilities
  • verify identity where this is required
  • communication by post, email, text message (SMS), WhatsApp©, telephone or via social media
  • understand needs and how they may be met
  • maintain records
  • process financial transactions
  • prevent and detect crime, fraud or corruption
  • we may also need to use data to defend or take legal actions related to the above


Should you want to complain about our use of personal data, please contact us, Debt Solvo Ltd, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE, 0161 537 5764, [email protected].

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office [‘ICO’] (the UK data protection regulator).  For further information on your rights and how to complain to the ICO, please refer to the ICO website.

Changes to our privacy statement

We keep this privacy statement under regular review and will place any updates on our website. Paper copies of the privacy statement may also be obtained by writing to us at Deb Solvo Ltd, 683-687 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 6RE.

This privacy statement was last updated on 30 June 2022.